A insight into me Choosing the images each Month.
I’m hoping to continue choosing my favourite images from other photographers throughout 2017. I am constantly impressed by the enormous amount of wonderful images that I see daily. But with this amount of images it is easy for some of them to get lost. By sitting down and choosing three images it gives me a chance to catch up and take some time to look at the talent out there and look at their images in more detail. It also gives me a change to say well done to the photographer and will hopefully mean something to them too.
I thought I would give you some insight how I make some of the decisions, as sometimes I see some images which I would like to include but can not. It might also tell you why I have not choosen one of your images in the past.
Some Rules
All of the images need to be posted on Flickr as this monthly selection started as a set of Flickr galleries. I will continue to grow these galleries along with the monthly blog post. So I need to be able to add the image to a gallery. There is the option to stop people from adding your images into galleries in the Flickr settings, so if you have this turned on I can not use your image.
Another option in the Flickr settings that prevents me from using images is the “Allow others to share your stuff” option. If this option is set to no, I can not embed your image in my blog post. All of the blog posts need to link back to the photographers Flickr page. I feel it would be very wrong for me to make screen grabs of any image and then post it to my blog. I have seen plenty of images with this option set to no and would have chosen them as probably the number one image. But I respect that they do not want others using their image in their blog posts.
Sometimes I also need to double check whether the image was taken in the month that I am working from. Images that are not obviously from that month or have their exif data disabled will sometime get put to one side if I can not be sure that they were taken that mouth. Again I understand some photographers like to hide their exif data, which I totally respect.
Apart from those rules that’s about it. Interacting with me on Flickr or Twitter is going to give you a big advantage. I like to look through a couple of groups like Doug Chinnery’s natural landscapes and the private UK Twitter Togs group. But apart from them I just take some time looking through your photostreams and picking out the ones I like. Sometime I will make a list of the ones I like as I see them in the month or just sit down and make a selection when the month is over.
Keep up the good work everyone, I look forward to seeing what you capture in 2017.